
Jaws of Death (Owen Grady x Reader) - Part 2

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Literature Text

Major spoilers 

Isla Nublar, Costa Rica - Back at the Control Room

'There you are,' Claire sighed, turning her head towards you as you walked into the control room. Large monitors covered the entire wall in the front, displaying the whole park and live streams from within the dinosaur paddocks. 'Did you get the files I asked for?'

You nodded, walking up to Claire and handing her the heavy stack of paperwork she had asked you to retrieve from the lab. After your little ‘adventure’ inside the raptor cage you had rushed back to the main building of the park. The sweat was still dripping down your cheeks and you took in a deep breath, trying to cool yourself down.

She took the files from your hands and placed them beside her, asking someone else to take a look at it for her. At the same time Lowery and Vivian, two of the control room employees (and your friends) looked up at you and gestured there was something in your hair. You quickly removed the twigs and leaves and threw them in the bin next to Lowery.

'What happened?' he whispered, frowning at you as Vivian got even more of them from the back of your dress.

Vivian nodded at his words. 'What happened to your shoes?'

'Long story,' you sighed, looking down at the sneakers Owen had given you. 'I'll tell you about it later.

'[Name]?' Claire called out for you, waving you towards her. 'Could you drive to mister Grady's home for me?' she asked, pronouncing the word home as if she didn't think the camper he was living in was worthy of the word.

You thought it was actually quite nice, being in such close contact with the island. Not to mention the beds in the hotel felt like marshmallows. You weren’t used to such soft beds, especially not after your last mission. Every time you laid your head on the pillow you thought you would sink right to the bottom of the bed.

'Mr. Masrani wants him to check the Indominus Rex paddock and I have a few things I need to take care of here. We'll meet inside the paddock in say, an hour?'

You wanted to object, thinking you were probably the last person Owen wanted to see again today. But you knew better and kept your mouth shut, instead nodding at her words and telling her you'd go right away. You quickly said goodbye to Lowery and Vivian and walked out of the control room, hearing Claire ask how the park was doing. You sighed, knowing it was doing fine, as usual, but you couldn't help but wonder for how much longer.

Before going to see Owen again you went by your room to wash the dirt from your body. You took a quick, cold shower and changed into some more comfortable and jungle appropriate clothes. Now that your heels were gone, probably chewed on by the raptors, you had a good excuse to wear your own clothing again. You put on some light, thin jeans and a simple top. To make it seem more sophisticated you put on one of the jackets from your suits. You felt a lot more comfortable and even though you wore more appropriate clothing for the island, you still looked somewhat like Claire's assistant.

You put your hair up in a ponytail and attached your knife to your belt, making sure it fell right underneath your shirt, so that no one would see. You made your way out of the hotel, feeling the hot air caress your skin. A thin layer of sweat soon covered your whole body and you took in a deep breath, feeling a lot more like yourself now. More confident even.

You walked over to your car and made the ride to the other side of the island to meet Owen again. You didn’t know how he would react to you. He hadn’t seemed particularly fond of you earlier. You knew your uncle thought the whole girly assistant act would work, but you on the other hand figured Owen was too down to earth and smart to fall for that. He would probably like you more if you were just yourself. At least, you hoped…

When you had finally arrived at Owen’s home, you took a quick look in the mirror and then stepped out of the car, seeing him sitting a few feet away from you, behind his motorcycle, seemingly trying to get it to start again.

'What do they want now?' Owen asked, looking at you as you walked towards him, frowning at the different kind of clothes you were wearing. He wiped his hands on a dirty cloth and watched you suspiciously.

'Mr. Grady... I need you to come take a look at something,’ you smiled, hoping the awkward tension that had hung between you earlier was gone.

'Mr. Grady?' he snorted. 'I think we surpassed that level of formality. Don't you?'

'Owen... ‘ you smiled, agreeing with him (he did save your life) and shortly evading eye contact. For some reason the way he was looking at you was making your nervous. 'Miss Dearing asked me to escort you to the new attraction that is supposed to open in three weeks.’

He nodded at your words, but instead of agreeing to come with you he sipped his cola and continued to work on his motorcycle. 'I'm pretty busy.’

‘Right…’ you sighed, walking up to him and crossing your arms, not letting yourself get blown off that easily. You stood beside him in silence until he finally turned his head towards you again, looking at you as if saying: what are you still doing here?

‘I know we didn’t have a good start today,’ you started, thinking your uncle’s plan to become friends with Owen wasn’t going to work if he kept acting like this, ‘but we are both grownups. If you have a problem with me, you’d better say it now, 'cause I’m not leaving,’ you paused, looking at his motorcycle, immediately seeing what was wrong with it. ‘And neither are you, judging by your plugs and clutches…’

A small smile curled his lips and he raised an eyebrow, looking from you to his bike (probably wondering how you knew that was the problem). He nodded again, putting down his tools and pushing himself from his seat. ‘You’re right,’ he said. 'I’m sorry. I should remember you’re working for Claire and not with the animals… What can I do for you?’

His eyes quickly went over your body (thinking you might not be such a stick-in-the-mud like Claire was after all) and you felt the heat rise to your cheeks, even more so than it already had.

‘She wouldn’t tell me what the problem is exactly, but I guess there are some issues she thinks you could help with. It has become a lot bigger than they intended.'

'Intended?’ Owen frowned, laughing softly. ‘Don’t you mean expected?’

You shook your head, realizing he had no idea what this new ‘attraction’ – the Indominus Rex – was. ‘No, this species wasn’t bred, but created…’

‘They just went and made a new dinosaur?’ Owen laughed again.

'Yes, and I believe they'd like you to evaluate the paddock for vulnerabilities.'

‘Why me? You've already been there,' he stated, looking deep in your eyes, sending a shiver down your spine. 'You've seen it. What do you think?'

'It's remarkable they were able to create such a magnificent animal,' you smiled, hoping it didn't sound too rehearsed, but by the look on his face you could tell you weren't very good at pretending.

'I know what Claire thinks,' Owen scoffed, walking up to his camper and getting the tools to fix his plugs and clutches. 'I asked what you think.'

You swallowed hard, taking in a deep breath. 'They should have killed it while they still had the chance...'

Owen’s expression changed and he nodded slowly, a serious, concerned frown covering his face. 'Give me a minute.'

***** Half an hour later – At the Indominus Rex Paddock *****

'What are they doing?' Owen asked, following you up the stairs to the visitor’s area of the Indominus Rex paddock. 'Are they still building?'

You nodded. 'Like I said before, it turned out a lot bigger than planned. They were forced to make the cage higher...'

'And you still don't think the walls are high enough?' he frowned, looking up at the large, stone walls next to him. 'What kind of dinosaur is this?'

'Every few years the park needs a new attraction, in order to reinvigorate the public's interest. Claire told me Corporate felt like genetic modification would up the wow factor.'

'They're dinosaurs. They're wow enough...'

You smiled, nodding at his words. 'I agree, but according to Claire the Indominus Rex should make the park 'relevant' again... I know,' you sighed, turning around to him, hearing him chuckle over the name. 'Don't ask.'

Owen was still laughing as you entered the paddock and Claire gave you a nasty glare when a soft giggle also welled from your throat. She gave your new clothing one look and by her expression you could tell she didn't approve (or maybe it was because of Owen, you didn’t know yet).

'[Name]...' she mumbled, gesturing you should walk to her side. 'Mister Grady, how nice to see you again. I'm glad you were able to make some time to help us.'

'Yeah, no problem...' he said slowly, looking from Claire to you. 'So, where is this Indominus Rex?'

He leaned against the glass and peered inside, trying to spot the dinosaur you thought they should have killed a long time ago (when they still could).

A smile curled Claire's lips and she walked towards the digital information board just a few feet away from you.

'What's it even made of?' Owen continued, walking passed the both of you, seeing if it was maybe hiding on the other side.

'The base g-nome is a T-Rex, the rest is classified,' Claire answered. By the way she pronounced classified you could tell she probably didn't even know herself what it was made of.

Owen and you exchanged a quick look, the doubt and concern reflected in both your eyes.

'You made a new dinosaur and you don't even know what it is?' he frowned, asking for the both of you.

'The lab delivers us finished assets and we show them to the public. Can we drop a steer, please!' she answered, quickly turning to the guard sitting at the back of the room, observing the Indominus Rex.

'How long is it been in here?' Owen whispered, walking up to you as Claire watched the carcass of a steer being dropped into the cage.

You clearly noticed the hostile tension that hung between Owen and Claire and you realized the only reason he probably hadn't liked you was because you had been trying so desperately to be like her.

'All it's life,' you said sadly, looking into the woods, wondering where she might be hiding.

'And it hasn't seen anything outside of these walls?'

You shook your head, laying your hand against the glass. 'I know what you're thinking, and you're right. Animals raised in isolation aren't always the most functional. That's why I think it could be dangerous. Claire told me she ate her sibling.'

You watched as the large piece of meat was craned down, but as you looked inside the cage it was awfully quiet and not even a single leaf was stirring.

'The only positive relationship she has is with that crane,' Owen nodded, pointing at the crane and speaking loud enough for Claire to hear it as well. 'If you want my honest opinion: shut the attraction down, before it's too late.'

'Why?' Claire cried out, more angry than surprised. 'Because she has never been outside of this cage? Neither have your raptors, if I recall correctly. Why not shut them down as well. I heard what happened today...'

'But they were raised with their siblings,' you said, defending Owen. 'She,' you swallowed hard, pointing at the cage, 'ate hers...'

'What happened today was an accident. No one got hurt,' Owen cut in. 'but they could have. [Name] is right. The raptors learned social skills and even they still perceive us as prey. They're wild animals, Claire. What if your Indominus Rex decides the children behind this glass look way more tasty than the dead cow you are feeding her?'

'So,' Claire sighed. 'She needs friends, we should schedule play dates, that sort of thing?'

'Probably not a good idea...' Owen replied, as you were all still trying to spot the dinosaur.

Claire rolled her eyes at his words and leaned forward to tap the glass. Also probably not a good idea, considering the Indominus Rex had almost broken through it a few days ago.

'Where is it?' she wondered out loud.

'What? Is it in the basement, or down stairs?' Owen joked. 'Maybe it's in the rec room.'

It wasn't until then you noticed the strange white stripes on the outer wall of the cage. While Owen continued to joke, you slowly walked to the other side of the room, frowning at the claw like marks in the stone.

'She's here,' Claire responded. 'We were just here.' She type some commands into the information board as Owen joined you at the outer glass wall.

'This is not good...' you whispered, pointing at the stripes on the wall. You startled when suddenly alarms started beeping - telling you the cameras couldn't find her heat signature.

'Oh, shit...' Owen cried out, raising his eyebrows at the large claw marks. 'Where those claw marks always there?' he asked, turning to Claire and the man next to her, who was frantically searching for a reason the monitors didn't show her presence.

'You don't think it...' you mumbled, looking further in the cage seeing large footprints leading towards the wall.

Owen took in a deep breath, telling you without words that that was exactly what he was thinking. You felt his warm, protective hand on your back as you took in a shaky breath, realizing she must have climbed over the wall some how. Even if it seemed impossible.

'Oh, God...' Claire whispered, finally realizing what was exactly happening and how bad the situation was if the Indominus Rex had really escaped. 'She has an implant in her back. I can track it from the control room. [Name], stay here with mister Grady and find out how she was able to escape!'

'We need to evacuate the island...' you spoke softly, so that only Owen would hear it. He was probably the only one that would agree with you. You looked up at him, swallowing hard. A small, sad smile curled his lips, his gaze a mixture of confusion and determination. He quickly removed his hand when he realized he had placed it there, breaking your eye contact.

He walked away from you, out of the room and into the cage, together with the guard and another man that was supposed to watch the dinosaur. They would probably get fired after all of this was over. If it ever was going to be - if they weren’t dead before that time…

You followed them outside and put your hands against your forehead, looking up at the high stone wall, to see how far up the marks went. Owen laid his hand on the marks and caressed the wall, seemingly wondering how she could have gotten out without anyone noticing. The same question was on your mind.

You looked around you, thinking it was still awfully quiet. You heard your own heart beat violently in your ears and you turned your back to Owen and the guards, hearing them discuss whether they thought she could have actually climbed over the 40 feet high fence.

'Owen,' you whispered, your eyes shooting from one side of the cage to the other. A single leaf fell to the ground and you felt your heart beat uncontrollably in your chest. 'If she climbed out, wouldn't there only be footprints leading up to the wall and not from it?'

'What?' he asked, turning around to you.

You reached for the knife on your belt feeling the trees breath, when the walkie-talkie of the guard made a distorted noise. You were sure you could hear Vivian's voice and she confirmed what you already expected...

'It's in the cage!' she yelled. 'It's in there with you!'

'Go!' Owen screamed in your ear, getting your arm and pushing you out in front of him.

One of the guards ran out ahead of you and you felt Owen's hand on your back again, forcefully telling you to run faster.

Suddenly a deep, loud growl echoed through the cage and the Indominus Rex appeared, pushing herself through the trees. You gasped, now seeing how large she truly was. Big, pointy teeth were sticking out of her massive jaws, ready to tear you to shreds. You quickly turned around, seeing the astonished and frightened look in Owen’s eyes.

'Run!' you screamed, following Owen as he also turned around and started running back to the gate.

The guard ran behind you, but when you heard his loud screams suddenly stop, you knew you had to run faster - a lot faster.

'No, wait!' you cried out to the other guard that had arrived at the gate again. 'Don't open it!'

He had already entered the code however and the gate slowly opened. The man ran through the opening while Owen looked over his shoulder, seeing if you were still behind him. You were. You could see the relief in his eyes, but he quickly turned back around when the Indominus Rex breathed in your necks, almost close enough to eat you in one bite.

You both ran through the now closing gate and you felt a gush of wind on your back, the claws of the large dinosaur only just missing you. You hoped the gate was strong enough to hold her long enough for the troops of InGen to take her down. But you were afraid it was already too late

You followed Owen as he dropped himself on the floor and slid underneath your car. You ran towards the other side, doing the same and rolling to his side. You both lay face down in the gravel, panting heavily and shivers going down your spine as the Indominus Rex growled again, pushing herself from the cage (destroying the gate) and letting out an angry cry.

You both watched her large form move around the cars and you held your breath as the ground shook every time she placed her feet there. You tapped Owen's shoulder pointing at the guard that was hiding behind his own car just a few feet away from you. You knew she would be able to smell his fear from miles away. It was then you realized she could smell you as well.

You startled when she flipped the guard’s car over, sending it flying towards you. Owen put his arm around you, protecting both of you from the debris and gravel that came your way in a cloud of dust. A soft scream welled from your throat when she closed her jaws around the guard. You quickly put your hand before your mouth and closed your eyes trying to calm yourself down. You had seen a lot of things during your time in the military, but nothing compared to this.

Owen rolled on his back, gesturing you should cuddle up to him. You did as he asked and watched him cut the tubes leading to the fuel tank. He poured the gasoline over both of you, hoping the foul smell of the petrol would prevent her from smelling you. Why didn't you think of that?

You both quickly smeared it all over your bodies and Owen took you in his arms, pressing you tightly against him (afraid that if he would let go, the dinosaur would grab you and he would never know what that tension was that had lingered between you back at the raptor paddock and even now as he felt the overwhelming need to protect you). You laid your hand on his chest, feeling his heart beat violently in his chest, in sync with yours. You exchanged a quick, frightened look and you took in a deep breath, closing your eyes again and burying your face in Owen's neck.

You could hear the Indominus Rex move around your car, the ground shaking. A deep, raspy growl welled from the back of her throat, sending shivers down your spine. She seemed to know you were still somewhere out here (she had seen you run ahead of her), but for some reason she was unable to find you.

When she lowered herself down to the car, trying to sniff up your smell, Owen's grip on you tightened even more and you felt his chin resting on the top of your head. He breathed heavily, his chest going up and down rapidly, pushing you back and forward. You were as scared as he was, but somehow in his arms, you felt safe.

You still laid there together long after she had let out a frustrated cry and had walked away from you, into the park - looking for other prey. It wasn't until both your hearts were beating normally again and you felt Owen's grip loosen, his hands moving up to your hair and caressing your back softly, that you realized you were both still alive.

You pushed yourself from his embrace and looked into his eyes, seeing the same relief, anger and determination reflected in his green orbs, as was surging through your body.

You were safe, but the whole island was in grave, grave danger...

Hey everyone!!

So, the second part of my Jaws of Death Owen Grady x Reader fan fiction series :squee: It has become a bit larger than I intented, but I didn't know where to break it off, so yay! more to read!! Sorry if Claire seems a bit bitchy, but she's just really jealous of you, hehe! (But seriously, why was she so bitchy in the beginning of the movie?)

You were really excited about the first part, so I hope you will like the second as well! If you do please fave comment or watch :) (Smile) would mean a lot to me!

Previous part:

Next part:

Disclaimer: Don't own anything from Jurassic world, just the story :D (Big Grin)
© 2015 - 2024 savrom
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HetzdaEllen's avatar
me: -Meow?- (Request) it is a beautiful piece of art
savorm: this isWander Emote: I SHIP IT 
me: i was talking about owen-senpaiSans : Dude What..?