
The face of love (Steve x Reader) 1/5

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Literature Text

A cold wind cut through your suit as you moved through the warren of streets called Brooklyn, hiding in the shadows of night. There had been a time you were afraid of the dark, but those days had long since passed. Now, as an agent of Hydra, you had made the darkness your home.

    “I had a really nice time today, Captain,” a woman’s voice echoed against the buildings; the sound filling your ears. The woman fumbled with her keys, looking up at the tall man before her.

    “Yes,” he said, nodding at her words. “I did too.”

    “Thank you for bringing me home. You didn’t have to do that.”

    “I wanted to.”

    She smiled, her cheeks blushing a soft red. “Do you want to come up? I–I could make us coffee?”

    The Captain smiled back, though shaking his head. “I’d better not. I have a busy day tomorrow.”

    “Okay, I understand. Call me?”

    “I will.”

    You quickly ran closer, hiding in the dark as the two said their goodbyes and the super soldier walked away, leaving his date to go upstairs alone. When you were sure he had disappeared, you started your mission. You had followed them the entire date, trying to determine how close they were. They clearly had already gone out a couple of times before and it was obvious he cared about her (though you didn’t think it was awfully romantic). Cared enough, hopefully, to go after her if Hydra kidnapped her.

    When Hydra kidnapped her.

    You made your way to the back of the building and looked around one final time before running up the side of the building. You jumped against the wall, pushing yourself into the air to reach the fire escape several feet above the ground. Though it seemed impossible for any normal man, let alone woman, you had been trained well. From a young age you had been part of Hydra, training night and day to become the asset you were today. You were no Winter Soldier. But you were the next best thing.

    With ease you pulled yourself up to the metal stairs, for a moment staring at the glooming moon above you, which almost seemed to guide your way up. You silently continued your ascend and carefully counted the floors, making sure you had reached the right window when you forced your way into the apartment of the super soldier’s girlfriend.

    The window wasn’t barred and with a few strong pulls it opened, giving you access to what seemed like a bedroom; a double bed and large closet standing on the other side of the room. You climbed through the small window and lowered yourself quietly onto the wooden floor. A voice sounded from behind the door and you quickly ran to the closet, hiding against the wall in the shadows.

    When no one walked in, you took in a deep breath, knowing everything was still going according to plan. You continued your way through the apartment and waited for the right moment to strike and sedate the young woman that was roaming through her living room.

    You watched as she walked into the kitchen and turned her back to you, giving you the opportunity to sneak up on her from behind. You reached for the stun gun on your belt and pressed the charge button on the back, pointing it on the woman as you silently moved forward. Your finger was already on the trigger, when the doorbell rang and the woman turned around.

    For a moment you stood eye to eye with her, both not moving or even making a sound. You were the first to be back to your senses, but when you wanted to walk back and turn around to make a sprint towards the window in the bedroom, you tripped on something large behind you. The stun gun fired, hitting the still shocked woman a feet away from you against the head.

    You both dropped to the floor, a loud thud echoing through the small apartment. You groaned softly, rubbing your sore arm and scowling at the fat cat that rubbed his head against your leg, meowing as it seated itself on your lap.

    Really?” you mumbled, pulling yourself from the floor, not paying any attention to the disapproving sounds the animal gave you as you pushed it aside.

    You made your way into the kitchen, seeing the Captain’s girlfriend lying unconscious beside the stove. She had hit her head against the counter, a large bruise forming on her forehead, but she was breathing. Which meant Hydra could still use her against the Captain.

    When you were busy dragging the body towards the bedroom window, the bell rang again, followed by a soft knock.

    “Is everything okay?” it sounded from behind the door. You quickly turned your head and swallowed hard when you recognized the voice. It was the Captain. “Are you alright?”

    You needed to think fast. If you didn’t come up with a plan in the next few seconds he would force the door and enter the apartment – the worried super soldier that he was. If he saw you, you would have failed your mission and Hydra would never get this close to him again. No. You couldn’t let that happen.

    “Yes!” you cried out, pulling the woman back into the kitchen, hiding her behind the counter. You quickly searched your own pockets, looking for the little device your boss had given you for disguises. “Just a moment,” you continued, activating the small, circular metal plate. It scanned every inch of the super soldier’s girlfriend and gave a soft, agreeing beep when it was done.

    You had never used it before and when you placed it on the side of your head you didn’t feel any difference. It wasn’t until you looked at yourself in the mirror that you realized different eyes were staring back at you.

    The small device had altered your looks, making your features similar to the unconscious woman laying behind the counter. It was truly magnificent. Even as you touched your own face there were no glitches. You tested a smile on the unfamiliar lips and nodded at yourself, hoping the voice deformer worked as well as the face deformer did.


    In a rush you rolled the skin tight Hydra suit from your body and pulled out one of the dresses the woman, apparently named Sarah, had in her closet. You quickly made your way back, straightening the fabric – feeling uncomfortable in the feminine outfit – and opened the door.

    “Hey,” you smiled, hearing yourself speak in a different voice. “I didn’t expect you back so soon. I thought you had a busy day tomorrow.”

    “I do,” the super soldier smiled back, “but I have time for one drink…” he said meaningfully.

    For a moment the silence lingered between you and the Captain and you frowned slightly, wondering if he was hinting at something you should have known.

    “Anyway,” he continued nervously. “I was wondering if your offer to make me coffee still stands?”

    “Oh!” you exclaimed, remembering what Sarah had offered him earlier. “Yes, but I–” you paused, knowing the real Sarah was still laying behind the counter with a large egg-shaped bruise on her forehead. Think fast, you told yourself. “You know what,” you continued, walking out onto the hallway and slowly closing the door behind you. “How about we get a cup of coffee? I totally forgot to go to the supermarket this morning.”

    “Sounds good.”

    “There’s a small café just around the corner,” you remembered. “I’m sure they serve coffee as well.”

    He gestured you should lead the way and you nodded, walking down the stairs with the Captain following you all the way down. Once you were outside you hesitated for a short moment, trying to remember which way the café was.

    “Something wrong?” the super soldier asked, walking beside you once you continued your way.

    “Oh, no. I was just thinking what a beautiful night it is,” you quickly made up, pointing at the moon. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen it this close.”

    “You should have seen it when there were less buildings here.”

    “There are also good things now, right?”

    “Sure,” he nodded.

    “The coffee must be a lot better.”

    He laughed softly. “Among others, yes.”

    “Oh, and the internet,” you said, pointing at the café on the other side of the road. You crossed the street together and entered the small building. “That must have been helpful for you.”

    “Very helpful, yes,” he replied as you walked further inside, seeing several men and women sitting behind the bar and around some of the tables that were scattered around the café. “I’ll get us something to drink. Why don’t you find us somewhere to sit. Coffee?”

    “Oh no,” you shook your head. “I don’t drink coffee.”

    The Captain frowned. “I thought you said it was your favourite drink.”

    Shit… “I did? I–I mean I did. I just try not to drink it before going to bed.”

    He laughed softly. “We could also just have a beer.”

    “Yes,” you exclaimed, nodding at his words. Gods knew you could use a drink. “Make it a double.”

    “Coming right up.” He walked towards the bar and ordered you both a large glass of beer, while you walked passed what seemed like regular guests and seated yourself at the back of the room.

    You let your eyes shift from the bar to all the tables and observed everyone shortly, before the Captain returned with your drinks. Especially the man closest to you, drinking whiskey all by himself, spiked your attention. His green eyes had locked on you and you could see them take you in from head to toe, an amused and lustful smile curling his lips. You shook your head in an annoyed sigh, hoping he wouldn’t cause any trouble.

    “There you go,” the super soldier said, placing your beer in front of you. “I didn’t know what you liked, but the bartender said this is the best he’s got.”

    “Thank you, Captain” you smiled. “I’m sure it’s fine.”

    He laughed. “I thought we had agreed you’d call me Steve.”

    “Oh,” you swallowed hard, quickly taking a sip from your drink, knowing it would take a lot more alcohol for you to be any good at things like this. “Yes, of course. I–I’m sorry, Steve.”

    “It’s okay. I’m used to it. How’s the beer.”

    “Good. I think the bartender was right.”

    Steve smiled, taking a sip from his own glass as well. He nodded in approval and asked you if you had any plans for the week. You had to come up with something fast, but if he even noticed your hesitation, he didn’t say anything about it. You tried to answer as evasive as possible, knowing any wrong answer could lead to your exposure. Though as the night progressed you started to realize the Captain didn’t know as much about the real Sarah as you had thought at first. After a while you even thought they had never seen each other before until today.

    You talked for quite some time, in which you started to feel more and more comfortable as Sarah. You even started to share things about yourself; things you hadn’t shared with anyone before. It made it easier for you to keep the conversation going and in turn you learned a lot more about the man that was Captain America; your biggest enemy. Things Hydra didn’t even know about him.

    “Up for another beer?” he asked when you had both finished your first glass.

    You nodded at his words and watched him as he pushed himself from his seat. He was ready to get you another beer, when the man who had observed you quietly from his lonely place behind the table next to you finally spoke up.

    “That’s a nice piece of ass you’ve got there, Captain” the man said drunkenly, pointing his glass at Steve and then to you.

    “Excuse me?” you and Steve both said.

    I said: That’s a nice piece of ass you’ve got there,” the man smiled, licking his lips, eying you again with a vulgar glare.

    You bit down your teeth hard, feeling the anger surge through your veins. Clenching your hands into fists you took in a deep breath and let a smile curl your lips.

    “Don’t pay any attention to him,” you told Steve. “He’s clearly drunk.”

    “That doesn’t mean he should be so disrespectful.”

    You laughed softly, thinking it was cute he actually thought people like the drunk man had any respect for anyone. “He doesn’t ‘know any better,” you said, scowling at the man when Steve looked the other way. “You were getting us another drink, remember?”

    Steve nodded slowly, grabbing the glasses from the table, but keeping his eyes on the drunk man as he made his way towards the bar. As soon as the Captain had moved away from you and had reached the bar, the man stood up from his table and stumbled towards you. He seated himself beside you and leaned awfully close to you. You could smell the alcohol on his breath as he leaned even closer and sniffed your hair. The Captain watched everything with a tensed jaw, but you slowly shook your head at him, telling him you were fine.

    “Listen, asshole,” you told the man in a whisper, when Steve had turned around towards the bar to order you some drinks. “I’m only going to say this once,” you continued, getting the man’s hand and flipping it around underneath the table, pulling it down in one swift motion. A soft scream welled from his throat as you flexed his muscles further than they were intended for. “If you call me a nice piece of ass one more time, I’ll break every single bone in your scrawny, little body.”

    “Ah,” The man laughed, “you’re a girl who knows how to handle a man… I like it.”

    You snorted, shaking your head. “Look, we both know how this is going to end if you don’t back off, so why don’t you just make it easier for both of us and leave me the hell alone.”

    “What if I don’t want to? You think I can’t handle Mister America over there? You clearly need a real man, not some guy in tights.”

    “Well, be my guest,” you said, letting go of the man’s hand and nodding at Steve, who was walking towards you with two glasses of beer in his hand. “Entertain me.”

    Confusion frowned the man’s brow for a moment, but it disappeared quickly when Steve re-joined you at the table and politely asked the man to leave. The man stood up from his place beside you and seemed ready to indeed leave you be. As you had expected though, he didn’t.

    When Steve was about to seat himself down, the man took a swing at the unexpecting super soldier and hit him hard against the jaw, nearly knocking him to the ground. You were surprised at the amount of force his punch had and you let out a soft scream, trying to sound surprised – like you thought the real Sarah would have done.

    “No fighting in my bar!” someone yelled through the room, slamming an empty pitcher on the bar. “John, go home. You’ve had enough for today. I’d hate to call the cops on you again.”

    The man stood in front of you for several more seconds, watching you worriedly take care of Steve. He soon realized he was playing a game he couldn’t win and made his way towards the bar, where he paid for the drinks he’d had and left without saying another word.

    “Are you okay?” you asked the Captain, softly caressing the red spot on his jaw, where the man had hit him a lot harder than you had expected (and wanted).
“I’m fine,” he nodded, letting his eyes shift over your face. “Are you? He didn’t hurt you or anything, did he?”

    “No. He got to you first. You know, this is the first time anyone has ever been punched over me….”

    “Well, glad to be the first then.”

    You laughed, shaking your head. “You were very heroic, but let’s not get you beaten up again.”

    “What on earth did you say to him anyway?”

    “That’s best not repeated.”

    He laughed softly, nodding at your words and grimacing as a shot of pain went through his jaw. “You’ll have to tell me someday.”


    The rest of the night went by with less excitement. You talked some more and finished your beer. When it was nearing midnight the Captain offered to walk you all the way up to your door, but knowing the real Sarah was probably still lying unconscious behind her kitchen counter, you shrugged away his kind offer. Not to mention: you didn’t have a key. You told him you could easily make it home yourself.

    “Goodnight, Steve,” you smiled when you opened the door towards the staircase of Sarah’s apartment building

    “Goodnight, Sarah,” he repeated your words. “I–I had a great time tonight,” he continued, sounding somewhat surprised.

     “And you didn’t earlier?” you frowned, wondering if you might have been right when you thought there hadn’t been anything romantic between Steve and Sarah.

    “That’s not what I––I mean…” he sighed. “You’re different. Different than I thought you were. I’m glad Natasha convinced me to go back.”


    “That came out wrong,” he said nervously, evading his eyes from you and sighing softly.

    “It’s okay,” you replied, laying your hand on his arms, looking into his deep blue eyes. “You’re different than I thought too.”

    He smiled, slowly nodding at your words “I’ll call you.”

    “Don’t get beaten up without me.”

    “Can’t make any promises,” he laughed, watching you as you made your way up the stairs, towards Sarah’s apartment.

    “Didn’t think so…” you mumbled to yourself when you were high enough and out of ear shot from the Captain. You quickly made your way towards the window on the end of the hall and peered outside, seeing him carelessly cross the street, his hands tucked into his pockets. He clearly was a happy man.

    When he had disappeared from view, you leaned back against the wall and took in a deep breath, going over the events of today. Things hadn’t gone according to plan, but you weren’t sure yet if that was such a bad thing. Even though Steve might not have had any feelings for the real Sarah, it was clear he did have them for you. Your boss would not be happy you had nearly killed Sarah, but when he would find out you might even have something better, he’d be very pleased.

    After all, if things kept going like this, you’d be handing him the Captain on a silver platter…

To be continued...

Hey everyone!!

Another new series :) I don't know yet if it will be 3 or 5, but I'll start with 3 and then I'll see if I can end it within that limit :D So, you're the bad guy - girl - in the story :O Poor Steve! He will not know what hit him :( 

Anyway, for those of you who'd like to know I named her (a.k.a. you) Alex! Thought that fit her/your personality!

So, if you like it please comment, fave or watch! Would mean a lot to me :love:

Next chapter:

Disclaimer: I don't own anything Marvel, but I do own the story!

Also: sorry for any mistakes :D
© 2016 - 2024 savrom
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is there any chance Bucky make an appearance. well big bad guy + bad girl team up with the good guy.. not that bad. seriously how long do you intend to make me read all your latest fic. i cant seem to get enough with it. and i spend my whole free time rereading again all fic *moretoimaginethatisme* *sigh* how dare you, at least make it longer like "Made of Stone" love it... but fyi you really did a great job.